Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Streaming TV

It's been a very long time since my last post.

Four months is definitely a long time. I've been very busy in that span of time since work has been unusually hectic and there just hasn't been time for posting.

At any rate, I'm back and with something new to say: STREAMING TV.

Steve Jobs, at his MacWorld Expo speech, introduced the world to AppleTV which promises to stream video into your living room TV. That's not what I want to talk about. I'm here to talk about the availability of TV episodes streamed over the internet directly to your computer monitor (LCD or otherwise). Now, you people might not think this is such a big thing. Imagine, though, all the TV episodes you ever wanted to see available right away on a single site.

This is the promise being fulfilled by YourTVLinks. This site is an aggregator of streaming video from such sites as YouTube or DailyMotion which show episodes of TV shows airing in the United States (or elsewhere). Currently, the site is fairly sparse and unattractive however the variety of available shows more than makes up for this.

Check it out, people. If you don't want to go to the hassle of downloading shows and watching them later or waiting for cable TV to air the shows you want, this could be exactly what the doctor ordered.

Till next time, gentle readers.